Food4Kids is a registered charity providing healthy food to elementary school kids aged 5-14 years from at-risk, low-income or disadvantaged homes with limited or no food during weekend periods. Packages of healthy food are prepared by volunteers and delivered to schools each Friday to ensure children have nourishment over the weekend. There are 1,500 children in Hamilton and 400 children in Halton struggling through each weekend without food.
Nominated by John Holland
Our $15,500 donation was delivered at their office in Burlington on September 23, 2016.
"When members from 100 Guys arrived at our warehouse, I thought that they were there to find out more about our charity. When they revealed that Food4Kids was the Recipient Charity for their Q3/16 meeting, I was blown away. When they then told us their group donation was $15,500, it brought me to tears as I was thinking of the many children that would be fed with these funds. We are grateful that we have so many caring gentlemen in our community that have come together to give back. You truly make our community a better place, thanks on behalf of all the children we serve.
Gayle Kabbash,
Community Relations Manager, Food4Kids