Another Successful Event! Thanks to all the guys who came out and supported the cause, and for those that couldn't make it but are still submitting their donations. HUGE thanks to our event sponsor Denny's Auto Wash for providing us an outstanding evening including great live music by Brendon Gomez, delicious burgers from Just An Olde Fashioned Butchery, cold beer from Cameron's Brewing, and beautiful exotic cars to drool over. We are still closing the books, with more donations coming in, but we have exceeded $10,000 in donations so far. If you haven't submitted your $100 donation yet, please do so right away so we can close our books. You can do so by either: (i) sending us an e-transfer to 100GuysWhoCareOakville@gmail.com; or (ii) if you prefer to pay by credit card, please email us and we can send you an invoice to pay on-line by credit card (a $3 processing fee will apply). We plan to do a "surprise" cheque drop off early next week, so please keep the Recipient Charity a secret for now. See more pictures from our event on our website here More details to come ... 100 Guys Who Care Oakville