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Calling for Charity Nominations!

Calling for Charity Nominations One of the areas of focus for us in 2017 will be increasing charity nominations. Since forming our group back in May 2015, we have been fortunate to hold 7 hugely successful events, raising over $108,000 for 7 local charities, making a direct and meaningful impact in our community. We’ve hit 7 “home runs”, connected with many local charities and have continued to raise awareness of many charitable causes in Halton. We have also received fantastic support from our numerous sponsors and received great local media coverage. All the while our member base has continued to grow, making us one of the most successful chapters in North America. Charity nominations (our raison d’être), however, is an area of improvement. Ideally, we would like to target 6-8 nominations for each event, but usually only get 3-4, sometimes less. We are therefore strongly encouraging our members to take that extra step and consider nominating a charity at one of our upcoming events. The effort to do so is minimal – an hour or so to prepare and a 3 minute “elevator pitch” to provide an overview of the charity and why they are meaningful to you. All nominations should be local registered charities that serve Halton, to whom $10,000 will make a meaningful difference, and that are able to issue individual tax receipts. Attached is a list of some charities that fit this criteria. If you are involved /associated / familiar with one of these charities, please consider nominating them. To drive more charity nominations, we are also relaxing our rules and allowing your kids (boys and girls - grades 7 to 12) to nominate and pitch a charity with you and/or on your behalf. What a great way to lead by example and show them how we are making a difference! In return, will we also give your kids 4 volunteer hours for researching, preparing and presenting their charity pitch. How amazing would it be for your kids to be able to report back to their school, and to put on their resume, that they were part of a group that raised over $10,000 for a local charity in under an hour! Remember that members are always encouraged to "pre-clear" their nominations in advance of our event. Click here for details on how to nominate a charity, and please email us with details of the charity you wish to nominate. Have questions? See our FAQs and info on How We Work.

Q1/17 Event Details

Date: Tuesday March 28, 2017 Time: 6:30pm Registration, 7pm Start Location: MVL Leasing, 1064 South Service Rd. (East of Trafalgar)

Special thanks to our Event Sponsor MVL who will be hosting us and providing appetizers and beverages. If you are an exotic car fan and haven't been to their showroom, this is the perfect occasion! We are also pleased to announce that PMA Canada has graciously agreed to provide us with Tyskie beer for the event! Looking forward to meeting new members and re-connecting with existing members!

Spread the Word & Stay Connected

Let's keep the momentum going. Please continue to spread the word to your friends, neighbours and colleagues. Our group is not limited to 100 guys or Oakville. We want to focus on Halton based charities and are happy to welcome guys from Burlington, Brampton and Milton. Let's see how big we can get, and how much of an impact we can make in our local communities.

If you are not yet a member and are interested in joining us, please make sure you sign up with all your contact info here so we can add you to our mailing list. You can also follow us on social media for more updates.

Thanks for your continued support!

100 Guys Who Care Oakville

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