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Q4 Results Are In

Recipient Charity & Final Tally

Congratulations to Dare To Be You Foundation (DTBY) for being the Recipient Charity. Together, we raised $18,700 in our Q4/19 event. DTBY is a small, local organization run completely by volunteers, which enables them to put 100% of donated funds to good use in our local community initiatives and programs that are already successfully running to help mentor our youth. In 2020, DTBY will be providing financial support to Leadership & Personal Development Opportunities and Initiatives that empower our youth to unlock their potential to ‘BE’ better and ‘DO’ better in their community. Whether the needs are due to financial hardships or grief, the organizations DTBY sends funds to all rely on mentorship to help empower and shape the young people in our community. Their long term goal is to see businesses and people within our community continue to be engaged and contribute so that we can sustain giving in an even bigger way. It was a pleasure meeting Shannon at a local Tim Horton's for a surprise cheque drop off. Thanks for all that you do! Special thanks to nominating member Glenn Caldwell for introducing us to this great charity and the great work they do in Oakville and across Halton.

Thanks to a Great Group of Guys!

Our last event of 2019 was another huge success. Thanks to all the guys who came out and supported the cause, and for those that couldn't make it but still donated. It was great to hear from Cynthia Milburn at Epilepsy South Central Ontario, our Q3/19 Recipient Charity, about the work they do and how they will use our group donation from our last event. Special thanks to our Sponsors Energy Powersports for hosting us at their awesome showroom, Muldoon’s Coffee for providing us with tasty bites, and PMA Canada for featuring Flor de Caña Rum! Also a special thanks to our dedicated volunteers, including Andrew Sue-A-Quan and Mel Hum for holding down the registration desk, and Mo Awan for taking care of the event planning. Check out more pics here taken by Mary Feric at Snapd Oakville

Spread the Word & Stay Connected

Let's keep the momentum going. Please continue to spread the word to your friends, neighbours and colleagues. Our group is not limited to 100 guys or Oakville. We want to focus on Halton based charities and are happy to welcome guys from Burlington, Brampton and Milton. Let's see how big we can get, and how much of an impact we can make in our local communities. If you are not yet a member and are interested in joining us, please make sure you sign up with all your contact info here so we can add you to our mailing list. You can also follow us on social media for more updates.

We wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season! 100 Guys Who Care Oakville

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